Plex media server docker settings
Plex media server docker settings

However, this time, I was using docker for my applications, stored their data in volumes 1 and kept a text file with each command I'd use to create the containers (this was pre docker-compose). I'd got everything just the way I liked it, all the apps were working great but an update borked something and I had to reload. My lightbulb moment with docker came a few years ago after I'd reinstalled my server OS.

plex media server docker settings

We'll come onto what a container is shortly but first let's discuss why you might consider using them.

plex media server docker settings

They divorce the running application from its data whilst making managing their persistent data and configuration simple. Fast forward 5 years and containerisation has cemented itself as a major force in the industry.įor those looking to build a media server, containers offer a uniquely brilliant way to run applications.

plex media server docker settings

Back in 2016 when I wrote the original PMS article Docker was a fairly new kid on the block.

Plex media server docker settings